POM Limburg launches new XR initiative

POM Limburg is launching a new initiative that encourages Extended Reality (XR) innovations among Limburg SMEs. A close collaboration between knowledge institutions and the industry is a crucial factor in accelerating XR applications in the business context. POM Limburg is seeking companies willing to dive into the digital world of XR alongside a Limburg knowledge institution to enhance their product or process. They are eligible for financial support, made possible by the backing of the Limburg provincial government.

Extended Reality technologies (XR), such as Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality, create an environment where the boundaries between the digital and real worlds blur. Although these technologies are already quite mature today and their value has long been recognized, their integration into the business world remains challenging. "A missed opportunity," says Tom Vandeput, Deputy for Economy and Chairman of POM Limburg. "Especially considering the considerable expertise present in Limburg. Integrating Extended Reality into business activities enhances the innovation and competitiveness of Limburg SMEs. Therefore, it is essential that we encourage them to make more use of XR technologies."

Digital work instructions

An advanced XR technology with many applications in manufacturing is digital work instructions. These guide operators step by step through the production process via augmented reality. This not only speeds up the learning process but also leads to fewer errors and increased productivity. In other sectors as well, such an innovative XR application can strengthen companies' resilience. Knowledge institutions such as UHasselt develop custom applications for their specific situation in collaboration with companies.

To achieve this, POM Limburg, with the support of the provincial government, is now allocating a fund of around 550,000 euros to that ambition. POM acts as the coordinator. Tom Vandeput says, "We encourage Limburg SMEs to initiate projects that aim higher than the usual applications of XR in the business world. That's why we provide companies with financial support. They utilize the expertise available in our region to kick-start their innovation.

SME landscape

In the current climate, the emphasis on innovation often falls on large companies. However, Limburg is characterized by a landscape consisting mainly of small and medium-sized enterprises. "To accelerate, we aim through the XR Innovation Fund for better alignment between knowledge institutions and the industry," emphasizes Tom Vandeput. "Together, they can integrate XR applications into business operations faster and more efficiently, through the development of new or improved products, processes, or services. This elevates innovation to new heights for our Limburg SMEs."

SMEs can submit their projects until May 13th.

Read more about the XR Innovation Fund


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